This is us

We are a small group of experienced programmers who've been working together for 10 years. We've produced a popular web game picked up by EA and AOL games. We've developed and maintained lottery sites for charity and government organizations.

We specialize in web services, and user interface design. If you're not up on your latest tech lingo web services are packs of information about anything that are sent from a central system. That data whether it be user data, game data, or data about data, is sent to the user interface for you to interact with. A user interface can be a website, a game, or a report. Some people call this package rich internet applications or RIAs.

We have a strong commitment to security, to good design and engaging applications. We are flexible and have worked with many 3rd party groups. If there is a hot new tech word we're doing it; cloud hosting, mobile development, SEO(Search Engine Optimization), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), you name it we're using it as an acronym, we even know what they stand for.

We care about our products and our clients.

The Endorsements

Turnover Manager

Cloud based software suite and mobile tablet application to manage and conduct property inspections.

Five Oceans Casino

Don't miss the wave; earn from your friends. The BEST continuous online bonus reward system

Homes by Avi

Interactive sales centre floorplan explorer to help customers envision the possiblities of their new homes.